Clean Up the World

It has become more and more obvious that our planet has an expiration date. The only solution is for people to come together and change the way they live and treat their environement. Waste management and upcycling is no longer a choice but a necessity. Through the use of digital tools, artists create environments that move us and speak to our emotions in order to build a sense of urgency. Their artworks show us either what our world would look like if we don't do anything or they imagine places where nature is magnified because we took care of it. These artworks invite us to take immediate measures to solve environmental issues before it is too late. The clock is ticking and artists are here to remind us of this fact.


Andreas Wannerstedt

Roundabout Madness

Jeremy Seeman


Franz Rosati

HYLETICS, Sequenza 004AF


Hazardous Waste

Franck Lefebvre

Ice diamonds 2

Amir Karimi

Every Second: Air Pollution

Dev Harlan

Stratigraphy R4

Amir Karimi

Every Second: Landfill

Caroline Zeller

Planet 2b

Nicolas Monterrat

Clean the world

Sabrina Ratté

Objets-monde I

Ryan Koopmans & Alice Wexell


Sabrina Ratté

Objets-monde II


optimistic climate

Caroline Zeller

Forest 11

Amir Karimi

Every Second: Water Polluti...

Dev Harlan

Five Body Problems 3

Caroline Zeller

Planet 1

Caroline Zeller

Planet 6

Caroline Zeller

Planet 4

Victoria Fard



Soul Gardening

Moonwalker Art

The Deep Sea - Horizontal

Caroline Zeller

Planet 3

Dev Harlan

Found Rock

Brian Henry