This digital video-art series is a visual metaphor for the search for the transcendental. We have always sought the point of contact between the tangible and the transcendent, and in this relationship, we discover the element of weight - guilt, shame, mistakes, sadness, penance - and the element of lightness - forgiveness, trust, truth, exultation, absolution. In this relation between weight and lightness, there is a connection that maintains balance and upward movement, which are only maintained as long as this connection exists.
Kyrie Eleison is the name of an important prayer of Christian liturgy. In Latin, it means "Lord, have mercy".
We have tried to find the balance between weight and lightness since our origin. In this millenary pursuit many philosophies, ideologies, beliefs and religions have emerged that have tried to point the way to perfect balance. Our insurmountable challenge is that our imperfection will fail to create perfection, and this sublime and harmonic solution will not come from the hands of broken mankind.