Surrealogy: Aries - Vertical

Fanny Papay

  • Fantasy
  • Pop

Surrealogy = the surreal + astrology, transforming all the star signs into visions of the uncanny, sights of the unseen, depictions of the inexplicable. A collaboration between graphic artist Fanny Pápay and photographer Éva Szombat, both well known for their style and substance in their native Hungary, Surrealogy is a collection of the zodiac signs, illustrated by a stream of free association symbols and signifiers, from lava lamps in transparent shoes through bizarre contact lenses to miniature glacier water bottles hydrating the tears of an angel, images of the unreal, of nature off the track, of time out of joint, of emotions running amok. Telling your future was never so deliciously depraved. Surrealogy is a collection of 12 images based on the zodiac signs. The work took two years to complete, from careful planning to meticulous shooting to arduous post-production. It is now finished, it is complete, it is alive.

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