Souvenirs is a series of 6 photovideographies (photographs that transform over time to become works of video art) whose deconstruction of the image reminds us of the fluctuating nature of our memory.
Raouf, François, Kayvan, Céline, girls I met in Tokyo - or even myself in the grip of a strong emotion - are all personal memories encoded in digital format whose tangible character seems to me questionable today: a simple movement of pixels would be enough to make them fall into abstraction.
Fran Lejeune : "Jean-Michel Rolland has been working for many years on the trace left by the pixel as it moves across the screen, playing on its opacity, speed or saturation.
The signature of the artist consists in never dissociating the sound from the image which are managed by the same algorithm.
In the series entitled Souvenirs, Jean-Michel Rolland uses still images, photographs taken during his various stays in Paris, Germany, Morocco or Tokyo, which he animates."