The first known anomaly from the SAGE computer briefly appeared at MIT on July 8, 1957. The Semi-Automatic Ground Environment was built to monitor for and launch weapons at Russian bombers attempting to drop nuclear bombs. The Air Force Technicians saw a strange image briefly form on their oscilloscopes. This time it was written off as a non-reproducible hardware anomaly. But there was some sort of mind-numbing distortion in this artificial intelligence generated reproduction of the event.
Appeared at CADAF Miami 2019.
Historical image from public domain at National Archives 342-B-03-014-12-157480AC box 130.
Caption: These Air Force technicians are watching scopes of the SAGE (Semi-Automatic Ground Environment) system, at the Massachusetts Instituted of Technology. SAGE will not make the ground controllers job any easier, rather it will let him handle a larger segment of the battle at one time.