Quarantine was a strange time, it led to desperation, dishonesty but also love and joy. Her mask falls off. She washes it for 20 seconds each night. "Did you meet someone else my love ?" No answer.
Silence bounced, fell off her tongue
and sat between us
and clogged my throat.
It slaughtered my trust.
It tore memories out of my mouth.
We exchanged blind words,
and I did not cry,
but blackness filled my ears,
blackness lunged in my heart,
and oxygen,
turned into suffocating my lungs.
Such silence has an actual sound, the sound of disappearance.
What a life to live?
You ditched something good for the unknown.
She tends, the dog in his apartment,
He visits in the evening.
We know where you met
That building where we laid our last kiss
We know you're looking for comfort, this isn't it.
I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.
Her Life became a bet
Throw the dice, see where it set
I wish you the best.
- Misguided, 2020