Glitching Antinous

Marjan Moghaddam

  • Figurative
  • Pop
  • Glitch

The face of Antinous still seems familiar to us today and has become, in our collective imagination, an archetype of male beauty drawn from ancient statuary. His quasi-legendary story, mixing historical veracity and mysterious facts, allows us to perceive one of the last survivals of Greco-Roman mythological stories.

Marguerite Yourcenar's comments in this regard are very exhaustive. She expresses herself, as Hadrian in the first person, in these terms in the Memoirs of Hadrian: "The art of the portrait interested me little. As soon as it counted in my life, art ceased to be a luxury, became a resource, a form of relief. I imposed this image on the world: today there are more portraits of this child than of any famous man, of any queen".

In this work, Marjan explores an artistic archetype by reinventing it through the digital and glitch art technique.

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