EMANCIPATH is a digital artwork commissioned by KVADRAT textiles that premiered in the group exhibition MyCanvas at Somerset House during London Design Festival 2017.
The title emancipath is speaking of the design language that proposes a material of the future, which can combine hard edges and surfaces with organic shapes that veer into amorphous territory. The gesture of emancipation is the detachment of those shapes from the angular foundations.
The reconstruction of the fabric by means of realistic CGI is the core concept of this visual piece.
In this, it is a serious comment on the unquestioned craftsmanship and handmade realism in computer generated imagery: by moving the tiling textures across the digital geometries, the constructed nature of these images become as visible as our perception as a construct itself. The rules of 3D cgi craft are opened up as a playground rather than an arbitrary restriction.
0:54 Loop
Sound: Superimposed Void