Terry Flaxton

United Kingdom

British artist Terry Flaxton was born in 1953 and has been creating moving images since 1976. In 1979, he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Art specialty communication design and then spent more than 30 years working as a director of photography. During this period, he directed the filming of the third film captured electronically with Channel 4 and BFI’s Out of Order in 1986. He has also compiled an impressive body of works including both powerful and polemical documentaries, but also a very personal and poetic video art.

His work today focuses on sustainable forms of digital, including sound, video, printing and installation. Terry has created and exhibited works around the world and in a variety of forms, from single-screen production to installations, to movies and television. Since 1979, he has participated in more than 200 international exhibitions, notably in Tokyo, Moscow, Xi'an, Milan, Algiers, Strasbourg and recently in Florence, Dublin and New York. Her work has won several awards, including the Montbéliard and Locarno Graphic Awards and the Nike Amsterdam Award.