Spirals are some of the oldest decorative patterns in the world, and have been a visual reference in most human visual cultures. It makes sense, given te spiral embodies an ancestral human concern : the concept of infinity. Digital art allows artists to bring the spiral into a new dimension : with a perfectly executed video loop, one can make a spiral spin literally forever. Or, with a generative algorithm, one can make a spiral whose movement can be cyclical, but whose visual characteristics shift continuously.
Digital tools therefore allow artists to reinvent this iconic pattern. Some turn it into a diabolical gear that embodies the anxiety induced by the principle of infinity, while others create a peaceful, perfect visual with ASMR ambiance, others still use the dynamic of its movement to induce powerful energy into colorful, sometimes psychedelic works. Some ultimately focus on the spiral’s geometry while others reintroduce it in natural environments, where existed long before human creativity seized it…