

Vartist, whose full name is Var Sahakyan, is an Armenian multidisciplinary artist based in Paris. He grew up in a family of artists, between his father's and his mother's studio, which led him to take art as a matter of course. It is this desire which animates him to belong to no style nor artistic current which makes his strength. What Vartist wants is to create, no matter what tool he uses. His artistic inspiration comes from questions about the human condition, the state of our environment and art itself.

Vartist has exhibited his art around the world and this is probably justified by his exemplary academic background. After studying music for five years, Vartist studied in the social sector between Armenia and the United States. He then completed a year of applied art at the European College of Liberal Art in Berlin. He completed his academic studies with an Msc in Strategic Leadership in Sustainable Development in Sweden and a final Msc in Marketing and Creativity at the ESCP between Paris and London.