Steven Baltay is a 3D artist and animator based in Brooklyn, New York. His work revolves around surrealist representations of organic forms that evoke surprise, disgust and satisfaction. He creates surrealist animations full of insolent humor and that each push the limits of our imagination. For some time now, he has also been working on works on more political and social themes. Indeed, if aesthetics and emotion have always been very present in his works, he now aspires to work more on the messages he wishes to pass on.
Steven Baltay holds a bachelor’s degree in animation and visual effects from Drexel University and a master’s degree in 3D animation and motion arts from the Pratt Institute. His work is inspired by artists such as David McLeod, Rose Pilkington, Stanley Kubrick, Frank Guzzone and James Turrell, and he has worked with several well-known artists and brands including Adobe, Beck, Bershka, Converse, Herno, Volvox Labs (Netflix) and Rose Pilkington (Ports 1961). His main creative tools are software such as Houdini and Octane in particular.
Steven Baltay is a 3D artist and animator based in Brooklyn, New York. His work revolves around surrealist representations of organic forms that evoke surprise, disgust and satisfaction. He creates surrealist animations full of insolent humor and that each push the limits of our imagination. For some time now, he has also been working on works on more political and social themes. Indeed, if aesthetics and emotion have always been very present in his works, he now aspires to work more on the messages he wishes to pass on.
Steven Baltay holds a bachelor’s degree in animation and visual effects from Drexel University and a master’s degree in 3D animation and motion arts from the Pratt Institute. His work is inspired by artists such as David McLeod, Rose Pilkington, Stanley Kubrick, Frank Guzzone and James Turrell, and he has worked with several well-known artists and brands including Adobe, Beck, Bershka, Converse, Herno, Volvox Labs (Netflix) and Rose Pilkington (Ports 1961). His main creative tools are software such as Houdini and Octane in particular.