Stéphane Pogran is a digital artist with a passion for creation, painting, mathematics, and algorithms, interests which he harmonizes in his artistic practice. All of his creations begin with predefined rules that he programs through code, which he then combines in a novel way with each new creation. He plays with constants and variables but also willingly leaves room for chance, an essential element in creation, to have its effect. Indeed, it is through this inclusion of randomness that Stéphane always finds himself in a state of surprise and discovery when engaging with his own works. Each one is the result of a study or a broader artistic inquiry, with each work prompting new iterations. He finds his inspiration primarily in nature and its plural variations, mathematics, sciences, multiple systems and possibilities.
Stéphane earned a Master of Arts in Plastic and Art Sciences from the Université Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne. However, for many years he set aside his passions, dedicating his life to the production of animated films. Today, he has returned to his original interests, choosing to always integrate algorithms, rules and games into his artworks. In July 2023, Pogran contributed generative images to "Shift," the third instalment of the "les 3_8" series. This performance took place at the Vázsonyi Malom in Nagyvázsony, Hungary, and was simultaneously broadcast at l'Atelier IMIS in Montignac-Charente, France.