Rudi Sebastian


Rudi Sebastian is a German photographer born in 1960 and based in Wiesbaden, where he studied design from 1978 to 1983. In addition to his work at his own advertising agency, he has been very successful in landscape photography and has published regularly in leading magazines such as Holiday, Traveller’s World and Dines Club Magazine. He has also worked with leading photography agencies such as Plainpicture and Getty Images.

Rudi’s photographic work deals with the question of individuality versus the overwhelming dimension of natural phenomena. He is mainly interested in nature photography, especially water and vegetation. He is also very interested in architecture and the transformation of three-dimensional space into a flat plane in which the subject often loses his visual references. His main sources of inspiration are Monet, as well as classical modern art. He has also won numerous prizes in major international competitions, and its very limited editions have been very popular with collectors around the world, in Azerbaijan and Australia for example.