Nicolas Boillot


Nicolas Boillot is a digital artist who lives and works in Berlin. For the past ten years, he has been designing specific computer programs capable of analysing the flow of images (personal films, author videos, television programs, etc.) and capturing the moving parts of them. The artist then uses them in the manner of a stencil, superimposing and interpreting in a colorful and graphic way these proposals of forms. After that, he composes a new image by accumulation of visual creations and variation of choices. This collage work, called "remix", produces a video work in constant motion, sometimes critical, sometimes purely experimental. Following the «affichistes» of the 1960s, by laceration, by accumulation, he makes several temporalities cohabit in his works.

In 2003, Nicolas obtained the Diplôme National Supérieur d'Expression Plastique (Art option) at the École Supérieure d'Art in Aix-en-Provence. In 2016 he devoted a thesis to his artistic practice and became Doctor of Art at the Audiovisual Research Laboratory at the University of Toulouse II Jean Jaurès. His work is constantly evolving and has been the subject of several residencies (Chile, Spain, France, Quebec) and individual and collective exhibitions in many countries (Germany, England, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, China, Spain, France, Greece, Iran, Italy, Japan, Quebec, Switzerland, USA, Taiwan, Czech Republic).