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Ilias Vrentas


Ilias Vrentas is a 3D artist based in Athens, Greece. He graduated from the Department of Product and System Design of the University of the Aegean, and has since published his idyllic, surrealistic landscapes on Instagram, attracting over 16,000 followers. Ilias specialises in creating imaginary dreamscapes that draw on the Vaporwave aesthetic. Heavily inspired by video games from his childhood, such as The Legend of Zelda and Sonic the Hedgehog, the artist incorporates technostalgic impressions and memory into breathtaking 3D environments, creating liminal digital spaces that exude a sense of calm and a feeling of familiarity.

In his freelance work, Ilias has collaborated with composers, DJs and streamers to create a scene for their projects. Featured works include Funk Fiction's Sonic and Chill on Youtube, Pizza Hotline's Polygon Island on Youtube and Barny's stream background on Twitch.
