Glitch Black

United States of America

Glitch Black is an audiovisual artist inspired by cyberpunk aesthetics who composes original electronic music and creates looped visuals with a unique futuristic character. The artistic character of Glitch Black is an apparition that has been torn from the frayed fabric of the universe. It is clear that this being does not belong to this world and he makes music to prevent this dimension from collapsing. By combining retro synthesizers with a modern and fast tempo, Glitch Black creates a dark and energetic music that both excites and terrifies.

Producing music since 2013, Glitch Black has released 9 albums to date and has collected over a million streams combined on Spotify, Bandcamp and Soundcloud. As a visual artist, he has experimented with a wide range of techniques, including 3D modeling and animation, handling analog CRT TVs, datamoshing, photogrammetry, generative AI and many other experimental methods.