Frederik de Wilde


Frederik De Wilde is a Belgian interdisciplinary artist whose artistic practice lies at the intersection of art, science, technology and design, exploring the concepts of inaudible, intangible and elusive. As an innovation consultant for the Flemish Ministry of Culture, he is also a member of the jury of Innovative Partnerships 2020. In his practice, he critically examines the radical changes that technology imposes on society and our environment, sometimes on the technological side, often in the conceptual, perceptual, sensory and human domains. Ultimately, he seeks to (re)connect our humanity - which requires a symbolic rewiring - while making us enthusiastic about the unknown and the future.

An excellent example of this approach is the conceptualization of original Blackest-Black pioneering artworks, produced in collaboration with Rice University and NASA. The project received the 2010 Ars Electronica Next Idea Prize and the Best European Collaboration Award between an artist and a scientist. The project has been widely covered (Huffington Post, Dazed, Creators Project, TED ideas worth spreading, Creativity World Forum 2011), and has inspired many other artists around the world, including Sir Anish Kapoor (Vantablack).