Claire Droppert


Claire Droppert is a Photographer and Visual Artist based in Rotterdam in The Netherlands. She is also known on Instagram as @claireonline with over 335k followers. Claire's trademark in her work focuses on serenity, simplicity and silence. She has a fascination for remote places and desolate landscapes and she aims to capture the essence of natural elements in a unique way. In this vein, the artist focusses on minimalistic subjects combined with unique editing styles, which result in a signature of images that have a dreamy, ethereal look. Within her work, the artist hopes to leave a positive, emotional impact that inspires others.

Claire's work has been exhibited in national and international exhibitions in New York, Paris, Brussels and Rotterdam and has been featured in publications and international media sites including The Huffington Post, Wired, ABCNews, Lightroom, Gizmodo, This is Colossal, Fastcodesign, Design You Trust, Fubiz, Crispme, Bloginity, Bored Panda, Photographyblogger, Apple and Ellen DeGeneres. She has also had the honour of creating commissioned work for brands such as Adobe, Canon, Strongbow and BMW.