Anetta Morozova

United States of America

Anetta Morozova’s paintings are mystical, phantasmagoric, ephemeral. Most of her works find their echo and reflection in her musical compositions. The process of creating her paintings is intuitively feminine, in a state of "flux" with effortless ease. As Anetta admits, it is through her paintings that she unleashes her creative energy and inspiration that then flows into a stream of musical ideas. It is like a secret key of the subconscious, of the soul, from which all discoveries and all ideas come. Anetta has been drawing since she was a child, but only a few years ago she noticed a real interest in her works and reflected on the positioning of her works of art. More than once, her works have been exhibited in Paris, her second homeland, at the 59 Rivoli gallery.

In 2019, a collector and philanthropist from Los Angeles commissioned her a modern version of the work of the "Mona Lisa i Glasses" for a place on Santa Monica beach, where she has been living since 2020. Many of Anetta’s paintings have thus received a new reading, a new dimension of perception and a new life, thanks to digitisation. In 2022, she entered the metaverse and NFT world by participating in various NFT summits in Dubai and creating immersive audiovisual performances. She exhibited her NFT art as a visual background for her exhibition "AntiGravity" in the gallery "Art in Space 360°" in March 2022.