Andrea Wolf

United States of America

Andrea Wolf is an interdisciplinary Chilean artist based in New York. She uses techniques such as cartographic projection, algorithmic manipulations and augmented reality. She also combines memorabilia such as family films, old photos and postcards, with physical objects ranging from intimate dioramas to immersive installations. Her works examine the relationship between personal memory and cultural practices of remembrance, how technology, media and memory influence and transform each other, effectively creating memory models that are culturally shaped.

Andrea has a Master’s degree in Documentary Cinema from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, a Master’s Degree in Digital Arts from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and a Master’s Degree in Interactive Telecommunications from the NYU. Her work has been shown in galleries, museums and festivals around the world. It has also been presented in digital collections and on online platforms such as Spotify or ArtJaws for example. She also made larger-than-life screenings in open spaces such as a 40-metre wide aircraft hangar during the Sonar Festival in Santiago, or on the Manhattan Bridge for the 13th edition of the Dumbo Light Year Festival in Brooklyn, for example.